News from the Society
2024 Biometals Webinars
Dear members of the Biometals community,
Discussions among scientists in our Biometals community have shown that it would be interesting to set up monthly webinars on metals in biology.
Here we are!
Together with the Cassyni platform, Springer and the International Biometals society monthly Biometals webinars will start in 2024.
We hope that this series of events will help all members of our research community to stay in contact, spread our discoveries, discuss new data, and establish fruitful collaborations, before we can meet again face-to-face in a future Biometals symposium that is planned to take place in summer 2025.
Please mark your calendars for the first webinar which will be at 3pm (CET Paris) on January 16th 2024, Tuesday. Here is the link to the webinar:
We are aware that this schedule may not be great for all of you, but it has been chosen to cover a broad international area. For those who are not available to attend the live webinar, a recorded presentation will also be available on the platform.
It will be with two speakers, one senior scientist and one author of a recent Biometals published article. Free of access, each webinar will be accessible live on the Cassyni Platform followed by questions & and answers time. It will also be recorded and be accessible (if accepted by the speaker) on the platform. A DOI number will be assigned to the recorded presentation.
For any further questions you may have on the Cassyni platform and format of the webinars, please contact the responsible publisher Dr. Cansu Kaya (cansu.kaya@springer.com) or both co-editors in chief of Biometals : Dr. Isabelle Michaud-Soret (isabelle.michaud-soret@cea.fr) and Dr. Christopher Rensing (crensing94@gmail.com). For technical questions please contact organisers@cassyni.com.
The program (still under construction) will be available on the Cassyni platform and on the new International Biometals Society (IBS) website (https://www.biometals-society.org/ ), which we encourage you to visit.
We would recommend to subscribe to the series here https://cassyni.com/s/biometals to receive updates about upcoming webinars.
Please feel free to pass on this information to interested colleagues and students.
I look forward to seeing you online soon,
Isabelle Michaud-Soret,
On the behalf of Biometals International Society and the Biometals journal
Biometals' events
Biometals 2020
The 12th International BioMetals Symposium (BioMetals 2020) was organized by Dr. Isabelle Michaud-Soret, from the Institute of Metals in Biology of Grenoble, at the village of Villard-de-Lans, near Grenoble, France in July 5-9, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemics the meeting was changed to a live Web-Symposium.
See the meeting website for further details: https://biometals2020.sciencesconf.org and https://premc.org/biometals2020/
Biometals 2018
The 11th International BioMetals Symposium (BioMetals 2018) was organized by Prof. Alain Stintzi at the University of Ottawa (Canada) in July 15-19, 2018.
Further details can be obtained through the meeting website: https://www.fourwav.es/Biometals2018.
Biometals 2016
The 10th International BioMetals Symposium (BioMetals 2016) was held on the city of Dresden in Germany, in July 2016 (10-15th) and was organized by Dr. Gerhard Geipel.
Further details can be obtained through the meeting website: www.hzdr.de/biometals2016 and through the Newsletter 7 from the Society.
Biometals' organisation
IBS General Assembly
An IBS Executive Board Meeting was held in Dresden on July 14, 2016. The Board decided that the annual membership fee will remain in 50 EURO (or 50 USD) for regular members and 25 EURO (or 25 USD) for student members for a two-year membership.
It was also decided that the next International Biometals Meeting in 2018 will be hosted by Prof. Alain Stintzi in Ottawa (Canada).
New membership fees
In the last meeting of the Board of Directors (14th December 2015) it has been decided to reduce the membership fees to 50 EUR/USD (25 EUR/USD for student membership) for a two-year membership. This amount will be deducted from the registration fee of the next Biometals meeting.
New Vice-President and President Elect
The IBS General Meeting in Durham decided that Prof. Alvin Crumbliss from the Duke University at Durham (NC, USA) will be the next Vice-President and President Elect of the Society in substitution of Prof. Pierre Cornelis that will be now the President of IBS.
Biometals' Obituary
Obituary notice: Jorge H. Crosa (1941 - 2012)
It is with great sadness that we should announce that our VicePresident and one of the most active founders of the International Biometals Society, Prof. Jorge H. Crosa from the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon (USA), has passed away on May 19th 2012 at the age of 71. He will remain forever in the hearts of all those who knew him.
Obituary notice: B. Rowe Byers (1936 - 2013)
On June 26, 2013 Benjamin Rowe Byers, passed away at Hospice Ministries after a long struggle with a prolonged serious illness. "Rowe" was professor at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine from 1967 to 2007 and frequently attended international meetings on iron metabolism by bacteria until he became ill. Rowe had just finished editing a book on Iron metabolism in Mycobacteria and this book will be available soon from Springer.
Obituary notice: Cécile Wandersman (1948 - 2014)
It is with great sadness that we inform that Professor Cecile Wandersman from the Institut Pasteur in Paris has passed away on December 21, 2014 at the age of 66.
Obituary notice: Pierre Cornelis (1949 - 2023)
It is with great sadness that we inform that Professor Pierre Cornelis from Brussel (Belgium) has passed away on December 2 , 2023 at the age of 74.
The IBS Newsletter, containing news and announcements from the Society, will be sent free to all members. You can download here the IBS Newsletter. Click on the image to download it as a pdf file. If you have any information related to the Biometals field that you would like to publish in the next IBS Newsletter, please send it by e-mail to Prof. Larry Barton (see contact section at the bottom of the page).