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Biometals Webinars Series

Together with the Cassyni platform, Springer and the International Biometals society monthly Biometals webinars will start in 2024.
We hope that this series of events will help all members of our research community to stay in contact, spread our discoveries, discuss new data, and establish fruitful collaborations, before we can meet again face-to-face in a future Biometals symposium that is planned to take place in summer 2025.
Please mark your calendars for monthly webinars at 3pm (CET Paris)
We are aware that this schedule may not be great for all of you, but it has been chosen to cover a broad international area. For those who are not available to attend the live webinar, a recorded presentation will also be available on the platform.
It will be with two speakers, one senior scientist and one author of a recent Biometals published article.  Free of access, each webinar will be accessible live on the Cassyni Platform followed by questions & and answers time. It will also be recorded and be accessible (if accepted by the speaker) on the platform.
A DOI number will be assigned to the recorded presentation.
We would recommend to subscribe to the series to see the program on the Cassyni platform here to receive updates about upcoming webinars.
Please feel free to pass on this information to interested colleagues and students.
For any further questions you may have on the Cassyni platform and format of the webinars, please contact the responsible publisher Dr. Cansu Kaya ( or both co-editors in chief of Biometals : Dr. Isabelle Michaud-Soret ( and Dr. Christopher Rensing ( For technical questions please contact

Previous Biometals Symposia

Transformed in 12th international web-symposium2020

  • 8th International Biometals Symposium (Biometals 2012). Brussels, Belgium

  • 6th International Biometals Symposium (Biometals 2008). Santiago de Compostela, Spain

  • 5th International Biometals Symposium (Biometals 2006). Welches, Oregon, USA

  • 4th International Biometals Symposium (Biometals 2004). Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

  • 2nd International Biometals Symposium (Biometals 2000). Tübingen, Germany

  • 1st International Biometals Symposium, 1997. Calgary, Canada

Other meetings related to Biometals

If you are interested in announce a Conference in this page, please contact



  • 20th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry ICBIC20, Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia

  • ISM-9: 9th International Symposium on Metallomics, 17.06.2024 - 21.06.2024, in Bush House, London, UK

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