International Biometals Society Awards
IBS has established Awards for individuals who made relevant contributions to the Biometals field. The Igor Stojiljkovic Award (given from 2006 to 2012) and the Biometals Award (from 2014 to present) recognize individuals with outstanding research in the biometals area. The Heritage Award, established in 2010, is to recognize an individual for special contributions to the development of biometals field.
Awards for best posters and talks presented by young scientists are also given at each Biometals Symposium.
IBS Awards:
Winners of the Igor Stojiljkovic Award were:

Volkmar Braun, 2006

Jim Camakaris, 2008

Klaus Hantke, 2010

Jorge H. Crosa, 2012
Winners of the Biometals Award were:

Biometals Award 2014
Shelley M. Payne

Biometals Award 2016
Dietrich Nies

Biometals Award 2018
Marvin Miller

Biometals Award 2020
Svetlana Lutsenko
Heritage Awards:
The first winner of the Heritage Award in 2012 was Prof. Guenther Winkelmann (University of Tübingen, Germany). In 2016 the awardee was Prof. Max Mergeay (Belgian Nuclear Research Center, Brussels, Belgium). In 2018 the awardee was Prof. Larry Barton (University of New Mexico, USA).

Larry Barton,
Heritage Award 2018

Manuel L. Lemos,
Heritage Award 2020
Becoming an IBS Sponsor
If your company would like to negotiate a sponsorship of the International Biometals Society, please contact with the Secretary or Dr. Isabelle Michaud-Soret. Becoming an IBS sponsor can expand your company visibility among scientists working around the world with metals and living beings.
IBS Links
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